Giga Games 1
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240 lines
Giga Games CDROM, August 93 edition. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Demo's of commercial Games.
path: \msdos\demo
file name size date description
------------ ---- ---- ------------------------
688SUB.ZIP 187747 10-30-88 Demo of the game "688 Attack Sub", as
| distributed with Maxell disks. Playable.
| Requires EGA.
_1CRATES.ZIP 27075 02-12-91 Crates. Tidy up the disorganized rooms on
| each floor of a warehouse building by moving
| crates into designated areas. By Mark
| Batchelor.
ABRMSDMO.ZIP 216264 01-15-89 Abrams Battle Tank self running demo.
ALONEDRK.ZIP 731726 03-06-93 Alone In The Dark. Playable demo of the
| graphical adventure game, using polygonal
| graphics for animation. Requires VGA.
| Support, Adlib, SoundBlaster, others.
AMDEMO1.ZIP 163885 08-10-92 Amazon from Access Software. (1 of 6).
| Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib,
| SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
AMDEMO2.ZIP 182380 08-10-92 Amazon from Access Software. (2 of 6).
| Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib,
| SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
AMDEMO3.ZIP 199550 08-11-92 Amazon from Access Software. (3 of 6).
| Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib,
| SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
AMDEMO4.ZIP 196389 08-06-92 Amazon from Access Software. (4 of 6).
| Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib,
| SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
AMDEMO5.ZIP 172596 08-10-92 Amazon from Access Software. (5 of 6).
| Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib,
| SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
AMDEMO6.ZIP 193087 08-05-92 Amazon from Access Software. (6 of 6).
| Playable. Requires VGA, supports Adlib,
| SoundBlaster, Adlib Gold.
ARKANIA.ZIP 414719 01-24-93 Slide show demo of Arkania from Sir-Tech.
| Non-playable. VGA, supports Adlib/SB.
BC2DEM.ZIP 665550 08-19-90 Battle Chess II. Animated pieces fight with
| each other.
BC3K30.ZIP 606200 02-24-93 Playable demo of BattleCruiser:3000AD. VGA+,
| supports joystick, Adlib/SB (with support
| files - see bc3ktxt.zip)
BC3KA1.ZIP 1077856 02-22-93 Animation (1/2) files for
| BattleCruiser:3000AD. See bc3ktxt.zip.
BC3KA2.ZIP 1029796 02-22-93 Animation (2/2) files for
| BattleCruiser:3000AD. See bc3ktxt.zip.
BC3KA3.ZIP 2622568 02-22-93 Standalone introduction animation for
| BattleCruiser:3000AD. See bc3ktxt.zip.
BC3KAD.ZIP 594653 02-22-93 Adlib Music/FX support files for
| BattleCruiser:3000AD. See bc3ktxt.zip.
BC3KSB.ZIP 621091 02-22-93 SoundBlaster Music/FX support files for
| BattleCruiser:3000AD. See bc3ktxt.zip.
BC3KTXT.ZIP 3059 04-15-93 File descriptions/explanation of
| BattelCruiser:3000AD.
CARMEN.ZIP 86988 02-29-88 Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? Graphic
| learning adventure. By Bruderbund Software,
| Inc.
CASTLES2.ZIP 402700 12-01-92 Castles II: Siege and Conquest. Playable
| demo. Requires VGA. Supports Roland sound
| only.
CIVDEM.ZIP 336023 09-25-91 Demo of the game "Civilisation". Non-playable
| Req: ? Sup: ?
DARKSUN.ZIP 1467370 10-24-92 Dark Sun from SSI. Non-playable demo.
| Adlib/SB sound.
DGENDEMO.ZIP 242441 11-21-91 Demo of the game "D/Generation". Playable
| first level. Req: VGA Sup: Adlib/SB, joystick
ECODEM.ZIP 780043 06-04-92 EcoQuest I. EcoQuest is Sierra On-Line's new
| enviromental game. By Sierra.
EGAGOLF.ZIP 59275 07-08-93 CaddieHack. VGA golf game. By Micode
| Developments.
EOB2DEMO.EXE 1105958 05-10-93 Self-extracting AutoAnimator demo of "Eye of
| the Beholder II". Extract to a floppy.
| Non-Playable Req: ? Sup: ?
F117DEMO.ZIP 1029346 07-30-92 MicroProse F117A Stealth Fighter Demo.
| Playable with two possible missions. Supports
| Adlib/SB, joystick. Requires VGA.
F15III.ZIP 202147 08-12-92 F-15 Strike Eagle III. Slide show demo of
| F-15SEIII graphics. Non-playable.
FALCON3.ZIP 591947 07-02-91 Demo of the game "Falcon 3.0". Playable. Req:
| 286-8, 640k (560k free), VGA Sup: Adlib/SB,
| Joystick
FATAL.ZIP 151768 01-30-92 Demo of Fatal Challenge, a Street Fighter
| clone. Non-playable. Req: Sup: Adlib/SB
FATEDEMO.ZIP 777895 04-23-92 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
| Playable version. requires 286+, VGA, 520k
| free. Supports Roland and Adlib/SB sound.
GM21DEMO.ZIP 76477 04-10-91 Guitar Master Demo. Combines the powerful
| features of a sequencer with the flexibility
| of MIDI to create a comprehensive guitar
| exploration and learning environment. Guitar
| Master is to the guitarist what the word
| processor has been to the writer. By Spartan
| Software Systems.
GOB2_PRV.ZIP 546649 10-20-92 Goblins 2. Playable demo of the graphical
| adventure. Requires VGA, supports Adlib/SB.
GOBLIN.EXE 788314 05-10-93 Gobliiins demo, from Sierra. Playable.
| Supports Adlib/SB. Self-extracting file.
GS_DEMO.ZIP 445950 07-30-92 Gunship 2000 Demo. Movie-type demo, with
| interactive capability. Supports Adlib/SB,
| joystick. Requires VGA.
IBMDEM.ZIP 38077 09-20-91 Delta Drawing Today. View some of our sample
| pictures and to create your own masterpieces.
| A great way for children to enjoy Playing,
| Thinking, & Learning! By Power Industries.
KQ1DEMO.ZIP 393207 09-19-90 Demo of the VGA version of "King's Quest I".
| Compares old and new graphics. Non-playable.
| Req: VGA Sup: Adlib/SB
KQ6DEMO1.EXE 1123945 05-10-93 Demo (1/4) of King's Quest VI from Sierra.
| Non-playable. VGA. Supports most sound
| systems. Requires 386/16+ and 13.2Mb disk.
KQ6DEMO2.EXE 1147816 05-10-93 Demo (2/4) of King's Quest VI from Sierra.
| Non-playable. VGA. Supports most sound
| systems. Requires 386/16+ and 13.2Mb disk.
KQ6DEMO3.EXE 1150544 05-10-93 Demo (3/4) of King's Quest VI from Sierra.
| Non-playable. VGA. Supports most sound
| systems. Requires 386/16+ and 13.2Mb disk.
KQ6DEMO4.EXE 283881 05-10-93 Demo (4/4) of King's Quest VI from Sierra.
| Non-playable. VGA. Supports most sound
| systems. Requires 386/16+ and 13.2Mb disk.
KYRANDIA.EXE 490837 05-10-93 Legend of Kyrandia. Non-playable demo of the
| graphical adventure from Westwood Studios.
| VGA required...sound boards supported.
LAKROZ.ZIP 78448 02-27-90 Lost adventures of Kroz, vol. 7, v. 1.1.
| Demo version with delay screen. By Apogee.
LB2DEMO.EXE 871704 05-10-93 Non-playable narrative demo for Laura Bow 2:
| The Dagger of Amon Ra from Sierra. VGA,
| Adlib/SB. Self-extracting.
LEMM2.ZIP 565683 12-09-92 Lemmings 2. Playable demo. Requires VGA.
| Supports Roland/Adlib/Tandy sound. Unzip with
| "-d".
LHX.ZIP 240509 01-11-93 LHX Attack Chopper from Electronic Arts.
| Playable. Requires EGA+.
LSL1DEMO.ZIP 473192 05-21-91 Demo of the VGA version of "Leisure Suit
| Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards".
| Compares old and new graphics. Non-playable.
| Req: VGA Sup: Adlib/SB, MT-32, CMS
LSL5DEMO.ZIP 660613 07-27-91 Demo of "Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate
| Patti Does a Little Undercover Work".
| Non-playable. Req: VGA Sup: Adlib/SB, MT-32,
| CMS, Tandy
MARMEMO.ZIP 1011244 07-28-91 Martian Memorandum. Adventure game. By
| Access Software.
MPDEMO.ZIP 244901 11-07-92 Magic Pockets. Playable demo. Requires VGA.
| Supports most sound systems. Contains
| subdirectories...use -d option to unpack.
MTII.ZIP 382132 01-30-91 Demo of the game "MegaTraveller II - Quest
| for the Ancients". Non-playable. Req: ? Sup:
| ?
MWORD22.ZIP 189533 11-30-90 MegaWord 2.2, NIV Computer Bible.
NOVA9DEM.ZIP 736141 08-07-91 Demo of the game "Nova 9", sequel to "Stellar
| 7". Non-playable Req: VGA Sup: ?
PCDEMOS1.ZIP 161652 01-23-91 PC Globe demo. (1/2).
PCDEMOS2.ZIP 263309 01-23-91 PC Globe demo. (2/2).
PGA.ZIP 200744 05-08-90 Demo of PGA Tour Golf. Non-playable. Supports
| Herc, CGA, Tandy, EGA, and MCGA/VGA graphics.
PQ3DEMO.ZIP 822433 08-11-91 Demo of the game "Police Quest 3".
| Non-playable. Req: VGA, 556k free, hard drive
| Sup: Mouse, Joystick, EMS, XMS, Adlib/SB,
| MT-32, CMS, ProAudio, Tandy
PRINCE.ZIP 266925 03-28-90 Demo of the game "Prince of Persia".
| Playable. Req: ? Sup: ?
QFG3DEMO.ZIP 988336 06-24-92 Quest for Glory III. By Sierra Online.
REXNEB.ZIP 1208253 08-03-92 Rex Nebular. A semi-playable 3D graphics
| adventure. Supports several graphic adapters,
| Adlib/SB/Roland.
ROBOCOP3.ZIP 968079 08-28-92 RoboCop 3 from Ocean. Non-playable demo.
| Adlib/SB sound.
ROEDEM.ZIP 846417 07-25-91 Rules of Engagement. Non-playable. Requires
| 640k, CGA or better. Supports Adlib,
| SoundBlaster, and MT-32/LAPC-1, and XMS.
SIMLIFE.ZIP 655726 01-13-93 Non-playable demo of SimLife from Maxis.
| Requires VGA.
SODDEMO2.ZIP 737348 11-18-92 Spear of Destiny. Playable. VGA. Supports
| Adlib/SB.
SQ1DEMO.ZIP 672265 06-02-91 Demo of the VGA version of "Space Quest I".
| Non-playable. Req: VGA Sup: Adlib/SB, MT-32,
STISLDEM.ZIP 398750 11-15-92 Stunt Island. Video-player type demo of
| Disney's Stunt Island. Non-playable.
| VGA/Mouse.
SU25.ZIP 517494 01-11-93 Stormovik SU-25 Soviet Attack Fighter.
| Playable demo from Electronic Arts. Requires
| CGA+. Supports Adlib/SB/CMS sound.
SUBATTLE.ZIP 95798 02-03-87 Sub Battle Simulator. Your game will last
| until you are sunk, return to Pearl Harbor,
| or 5 minutes. Good luck! By Epyx. Your
| mission is to practice tactics against this
| simulated convoy. Your objective is to
| damage as many ships as possible without
| being damaged by the escorts. Return to
| Pearl Harbor (158 degrees West, 22 degrees
| North) when finished for your mission rating.
TENNIS.ZIP 655801 08-13-92 World Championship Tennis. Playable demo.
| Requires VGA. Supports Adlib/SB, mouse.
TIMDEMO.EXE 332561 05-10-93 The Incredible Machine from Sierra. Solve
| puzzles by creating a machine with bowling
| balls, basketballs, monkeys, mice, pulleys,
| etc. Requires VGA. Supports most sound
| boards, no PC speaker support. Playable.
| Self-extracting.
U7_DEMO.ZIP 1123378 06-18-91 Demo of the game "Ultima 7". Non-playable.
| Req: VGA Sup: SoundBlaster
UW_DEMO.EXE 1195767 05-10-93 Playable demo for Ultima Underworld. VGA,
| Adlib/SB.
VEIL.ZIP 898925 11-04-92 Non-playable demo of Veil of Darkness, a
| graphical adventure from SSI and Event
| Horizons. VGA required, supports SB.
VIRTUAL.ZIP 100742 04-04-91 Superscape, v. 1.1. This software is a
| demonstration of Superscape Virtual Reality
| software specifically produced for PC
| compatible VGA systems. By Dimension
| International.
VRSDMO.ZIP 49860 01-05-92 Virtual Reality Studio. Adventure game. By
| Incentive Software.
WARLRD.ZIP 221831 01-14-91 Warlords. Requires 640k, EGA/VGA. Playable.
WC2A.ZIP 956241 08-11-91 Demo (1/2) of the game "Wing Commander II -
| Vengeance of the Kilrathi". Non-playable.
| Req: 386-25, 1Mb EMS, 585k free, VGA,
| SoundBlaster Sup: MT-32
WC2B.ZIP 1112456 08-11-91 Demo (2/2) of the game "Wing Commander II -
| Vengeance of the Kilrathi". Non-playable.
| Req: 386-25, 1Mb EMS, 585k free, VGA,
| SoundBlaster Sup: MT-32
WILLYBEM.ZIP 841297 08-02-91 Demo of the game "Willy Beamish".
| Non-playable. Req: ? Sup: ?
WORLD.ZIP 531072 01-28-92 Out Of This World. Really neat
| intro...supports EGA/VGA, SoundBlaster,
| Adlib. Playable.
XEEN1.ZIP 1428352 07-06-92 Might & Magic: Clouds of Xeen. (1/2)
| Non-playable demo. Requires VGA, supports
| various sound boards.
XEEN2.ZIP 1416960 08-07-92 Might & Magic: Clouds of Xeen. (2/2)
| Non-playable demo. Requires VGA, supports
| various sound boards.
XMASLEM.ZIP 224756 12-06-91 Demo of the Christmas version of "Lemmings".
| Playable. Req: EGA, VGA Sup: Adlib/SB, Tandy
XWINGDMO.ZIP 1294482 01-21-93 Cinematic demo of X-Wing. Non-playable.
| Requires VGA. Supports Adlib/SB.
XWNGSLDS.ZIP 716032 08-10-92 Slideshow demo of X-Wing. Non-playable. VGA.